>>> How to use Woo Product Feed For Marketing Channels >>>
First you need to install two plugins Woocommerce and Woo Product Feed For Marketing Channels
Product submission process by Woo Product Feed For Marketing Channels
From your WordPress website
Requirements: Client ID, Client Secret Code, Google Merchant Account ID
Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/ then create a new project if you don’t have any project. See the below screenshot
Step 1: After clicking “NEW PROJECT”
Step 2: After creating the new project
Step 3: You have to “Enable API” Called “Content API for Shopping” See the picture
Step 4: Click the Enable button
Step 5: Click Credentials
Step 6: Click and configure consent screen
Step 7: Create OAuth consent screen
Step 8: Give your application name and scroll down and then click “save” button
Step 9: Click to create credentials
Step 10: Select Web Application from the select options
Step 11: Create OAuth client ID
Step 12: Copy both ID and paste it plugin setting page below the screenshot
=> Note: Save the client ID and Client Secret
Now you need google merchant account ID
Go to https://www.google.com/retail/get-started/?product=merchant-center
=> Copy google merchant account id and paste on plugin setting page
Note: All done and save
=> Now you can add product to google merchant account
That’s it! Enjoy !!
Need more help? Watch out full detailed video guide