Install the plugin then go to WordPress dashboard → HRM DASHBOARD.
Allows you to manage your employees, view all employee profiles, also add new or change status as an admin or as a user with permission. This doc demonstrates the INNOVS HRM Overview page to manage your employees.
Click Employee button from the menu bar -> Add New
You can easily create new department, update or edit, Delete Department for Employee and assign Employee under the Department.
Click Department button from the menu bar -> Add New
You can easily create new designation, update or edit, Delete Designation for Employee and assign Employee under the Designation.
Go to add new or edit employee -> Click on “Show Advanced Fields”
See the image then you can easily understand
Create leave Policy, Create and Assign Leave Entitlement, Get Leave Request from employee, Create holiday for employee, Add Location for employee
If employees submit request for leave then admin can see all leave Requests, Approve or Decline Requests.
Note: *Only active employees can send leave request
Atfirst login into employee profile
Assign Leave Entitlement for employee
Admin can create holiday for the employee and employee see all holidays from their own profile dashboard calendar
Only admin can give attendance manually on employee and update, view attendance month, year wise.
Only admin can setting as requirement